Hello Friends of YAN!!

It was been some time since out last post but do not fear, YAN is still here and with a new Fellow for the 2013-2014 school year: Antonia Morzenti.

Last week, Walters and I met with the Principals at the Bilingual Grammar School in Molyko (aka Lycee) and the Government High School in Buea Town. Arrangements were made for a more formal meeting to talk about the work we will be doing this year and the club launching.

Vice Principal Ayukabore from Lycee had a list of 11 YAN students from last year who showed interest in joining the club again this year. Since the same curriculum will be used and they will not benefit from the club, I am going to propose another class (something more advanced) to meet on a different day of the week. If the students are motivated, I would love to see them continue building/updating their websites with more research on community issues.

Next month marks the 50th Anniversary of Lycee and VP Ayukabore wants last years YAN students to conduct, film and edit several interviews to showcase the anniversary. I met with 5-6 of these students and they will be organizing the time table for interviews next week.